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xbox progressive scan problem JPN PDO

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    xbox progressive scan problem JPN PDO

    I've got a modded 1.6 pal Xbox. Can run prog scan 480p with no problem on the few games I have tried except for my JPN Panzer Dragoon Orta. There is a very scrambled picture. I have tried another JPN game I have (Tekki) and that works fine. PDO plays fine in non progessive scan. Anyone know the problem is?

    Is anyone willing to test their JPN Panzer Dragoon Orta on a PAL xbox modded to output progressive scan for me?


      as I remember panzer dragoon orta checks what language the xbox is from the eeprom then changes itself to meet the requirements.

      if you put it in a jap xbox its all in japanese,
      try using config magic and changing it to ntsc us mode


        Update: I haven't tried changing xbox region as I have a 1.6 version xbox which doesn't work with configmagic. However I have tried running a PAL version Panzer Dragoon Orta through progressive scan and it's still not working.


          I finally got the chance to try this last night. On my UK modded Xbox (I didn't check the model number though) with a JP copy of PDO and using Enigmah video mode disc to change region. If configmagic does anything different then I'll try that, but I've never used it before so I was a touch unwilling last night.

          In NTSC mode the game plays at 525p
          In PAL mode the game plays at 525i

          So there you go - it won't play in progressive mode if you set the dash to PAL, you get an interlaced picture instead. Which looks awful by comparison by the way.

          And in a similar vein (this may have been reported elsewhere) - the PAL version of Tony Hawks Underground 2 plays in 720p when you set the Xbox mode to NTSC.


            I tried it on mine and it does display but the picture doesn't take up the whole screen... I haven't had such issues with other games.

            I'm using an X2VGA+ though...


              The only problem I can think of is that the game might support 720p, and your monitor doesn't, but PDO is 480p only so that can't be it.

              I was playing this at the weekend via prog scan, and it worked fine at 480p (pal Xbox, ntsc video mode).

              I think charlaph must mean 480p/480i.

              X2VGA will not make any difference, the Xbox has no idea it is generating VGA instead of progressive component.


                Maybe - it definitely said 525p, but then it also says 750p when I know full well that the game in question is outputting 720p, so it's probably a quirk of my PJ that 525=480


                  yeah, it gets reported as 480p or 525p by different displays, but the Xbox calls it 480p mode


                    Thanks for the comments guys, but I am running everything through NTSC anyway and as I have said, all I get is a scrambled picture. I have recently found other people with the same problem

                    You can do a word serch in explorer or google tool bar if you have it, for "Panzer" to find other people with this problem


                      I just like to add that I too have the scrambled 480p picture with Panzer Dragoon Orta. I have 3 Xboxes and only one does this. I bet if the person tries Men of Valor (OXM Demo a few months back) or the retail game they will have the same problem. I have the orginal Xbox HD Pak, from MS.

                      I can also report that Riddick had major aliasing problems. I even took pictures of my screen to show people at another forum. The graphics looked better, or I got used to them the more I played. There were times when it was downright ugly and other times when it looked good.

                      I viewed these on a 50" Sony Grand Wega XBR

                      This is one of the quotes from the site. Sounds like it's definately an xbox issue, maybe with 1.6 xbox versions?


                        yeah, you could be right. maybe when they moved to the different video encoder chip?

                        It's a strange one. To double check, have you disabled 720p and 1080i just in case?


                          I would think so as papercut and I can both view the game in 480p no problem - I'll check what model Xbox I have tonight and post it here.

                          Incidentally, looking over at avforums, I see the reason my PJ says 525p/i is because that's the signal bandwidth - 480 lines of image+45 of overscan and unused lines

                          So for my Projector,

                          I'm glad I found that out, cheers papercut.


                            There should be another way of working it out too, lets have a look:

                            31.5KHz / 60Hz = 525 lines per frame. I bet thats how your plasma is working it out too.

                            As you say, the additional 45 lines are overscan, and video providers expect displays to mask this.

                            One day, I'll update some of the ntsc-uk tech docs

                            I have a v1.0 pal Xbox, btw.


                              Originally posted by Papercut
                              yeah, you could be right. maybe when they moved to the different video encoder chip?

                              It's a strange one. To double check, have you disabled 720p and 1080i just in case?
                              Yeah 720p and 1080i are both disabled.

