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Bujingai help

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    Bujingai help

    Man, I am really getting my ass handed to my self on a plate...

    3rd level boss, Tiger thing... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.....

    Any help to beat the bugger?

    oof its been a while since i played this.
    I vaguely recall staying locked on, then dodging whilst he charges at you. Then when he fires at you tap square repeatedly to build your attack meter up and then press whatever the attack button is.
    Sorry i cant quite remember though a detailed explanation is in the bujingai first play thread.



      I'm having a problem. In the second part of the second level, I need to destroy 8 large stone monolith things to get to the next area. There's 1 on its own, a group of 3 and then finally a group of 4. However, none of the group of 4 will shatter no matter what I do to them. Hit them, fireball them, anything and everything just doesn't work. What am I doing wrong here?


        There is a magic you just picked up, where Lau does some kind of whirlwind attack with green special effects. Stand in the middle of the 4 monoliths and use that magic.

        (and think of us poor souls who had to figure all that out without understanding any of the text in the NTSC/J version ^^)


          I found out I missed one of the magics back in the first stage earlier... is that the one? The one I picked up in stage 2 didn't do much.

          I'll try it later.


            I'm playing Bujingai and need some help...

            It's the US version if that makes a difference.. I don't remember the levels name, "could sea?" Anyways, i think it's the last level or next to last level to where you jump on pillars and if you miss you fall through the clouds...

            Anyways, I'm at the part to where you have to run up one of 4 pillars to the top, turn, jump to the middle pillar higher in the air, then turn and jump/glide to a red wall and wall run right, jump and wall run again, I think 5 times to get higher and higher... I hope this describes where i'm at... Anyways, I've only jumped from the first wall run to the second wall run about 10 times but i can never get past the 2nd one, or even hardly get to the second one..

            Are there any tips or suggestions you guys have to passing this, starting from the pillar that you jump from to glide to the wall run?

            Any help would be appreciated..


              Yeah i found that one of the worst bits in the whole game, took me ages to get past. I found that if you jump tp the left-hand-side of each individual wall, wall-run a few steps, and then jump to the next it helped for getting the angles and timing.

              But basically i found it a bitch. If we are asking for help, i think i got stuck on the dragon, any help for that one? (then got distracted and havent been back)


                I appreciate the help.. Yeah.. Half of the game time has been spent getting to this point and the other half has been stuck trying to jump here.. I think i'm at about 13 continues or something just here.. Ridiculous.. but i appreciate it.. Thanks..


                  I saw in MCV yesterday that there's a PAL release for this game too. I just picked up the JPN version from PA


                    Dragon tips.. ok, i just beat him.. All i pretty much did was get up close and keep jumping to hit him.. When he was low to the groung I got to his side, jumped on his arm and kept slicing away.. When he started flying around to break the floor I just kept jumping around until he broke it.. Pretty much the only spell I used was Level 2 of the one that through swords around you and the defensive up spell..

                    If anyone knows how to defeat Rei let me know.. I get him down to half of his life left, but by that time my life is just about nil...

