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Nintendo DS first time charge length?

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    Nintendo DS first time charge length?

    My Nintendo DS (Japanese) has just arrived and I was wondering how long the first charge should be (e.g. 4/5 hours)? Or does the orange light change colour or something when it is fully charged?

    As I have to wait a while before I get to play with it, anyone want to give me a run down of how to turn on English language

    I hate waiting.


    Mine was charged when it arrived - the machine stops charging (orange light switches off) by itself when it's full, havent timed it before I just charge it overnight every few days.


      You'll need to enter your details in Japanese first, it's easy to work out what's what though as it's all signified by icons. You can always change it later.

      It will switch off then you can change it to English language - on the main menu, click on the small DS icon, click on the spanner, then on the globe IIRC


        Excellent, thanks guys. Can't wait to give this bad boy a shot.



          Says in the instruction manual 4 hours for first charge. Kthxbi.


            I can't read Japanese!

            I've got it charged and up and running now. Very nice!



              OK i meant the US instruction manual.


                Mine took 3 hours. I haven't fully run the battery down just yet on any play to see how long it takes for a full charge.
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...

