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Can a PAL PS2 output progressive scan?

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    Can a PAL PS2 output progressive scan?

    Just curious. I have a few PS2 NTSC games that support prog scan, but my machine is a modified PAL machine... can it output progressive scan with component leads?

    I'm pretty sure the answer is yes. Although can't confirm. Unless there's a problem with the mod or anything like that.


      I can't see any reason why it wouldn't. Still, I guess it won't hurt to buy the cable anyway.


        Yes, my modded PAL 5000-series outputs 480p on NTSC versions of games that support it.


          Excellent stuff! ^_^

          Has anybody tried this item? It'll be for PS2 / GC.


            How old is the mod on your PS2?

            I had a very early modded machine that, along with the chip being fitted, had some other modification made inside that ?fixed? the green screen RGB issue when playing DVDs. It was only when I tried to hook this machine via component to my plasma earlier this year did I find out that this modification also broke component out on the machine. I ended up buying a new machine because of this.

            There is a good chance your machine will not be affected (especially if you had it modded within the last couple of years) but it may be something to be wary of.


              I guess it's about 18 months old now, bought with a Messiah2 fitted. Fingers crossed it'll be OK.


                The Matrix MXL2 in mine scrambles up the Component output on DVD (and the "Sony Computer Entertainment" pre-load screen on PSone games) completely.


                  Jak II PAL has progressive scan so any problems should be down to the mod rather than the machine


                    well you can just reverse the green screen mod - i did mine myself ages ago - it's just a wire joining a pin on a chip to ground so if you were feeling in the mood you could fit a switch...

                    i haven't yet as i don't have a progressive scan telly but if i did i'd do it. depends on how much i love my ps2


                      I never use the DVD playback, so I'd be in no need of that particular part of the mod anyway. We'll see. New TV arrives tomorrow, but I'm waiting for the relevant cables from P-A at the moment. >_<

