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Help: Gamecube busted. What am I to do?

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    Help: Gamecube busted. What am I to do?

    For some reason I am not privvy to, my Gamecube has stopped working.

    It seems to turn on fine, but I get no picture and there is no activity with the lens trying to read the disc. Taking the disc out I don't even get the menu screen. The light on the front of the GC also appears to be slightly duller than normal.

    I have tried with a different cable and have checked for dust and the like in all the ports. I'm at my wits end. Please someone ell me that this is either a) a common problem and easy to fix or b) that they will giev me their GC in return.

    My GC is a US import one so I doubt I can get tech support from UK Nintendo.

    Oh, I think it might have started yesterday when I was trying to plug in my DC (which sits next to it) and I thought I smelt burning when trying to get the DC working. I thought it was the DC as I was getting no screen from it, but fixed that and thought nothing of it. Maybe my GC has burnt out? Is this possible? Does anyone know anything about anyone??

    -EDIT- Also, after looking about these boards a bit it seems that some people have said how a modified RGB cable has fecked up their machine. I am using one bought from goblin-direct and I think it could be this. Is this possible to fix and if not is there anyway I can claim money from stupid Goblin (this is the second one they sent as the first one didnt even work)? I'm at my wits end and don't really want to buy a whole new system.

    Please help.

    well im not too sure , try e-mailing the shop you bought it from ? i had to get a 2nd modded rgb cable frm goblin after the 1st one didnt work ft:


      I bought my cube from an ebay seller in the US in Jan of 2001. No warranty would still be available.

      Or do you mean the RGB cable? Goblin are really bad at responding to my emails. It took a long time before I got a response about sending the one that didnt work back and then another two weeks before i got the second one. Just seen on here too that other people do them hell of a lot cheaper > Won't be buying from goblin again.


        hey i had exactly the same problem with goblin took 4 weeks for them to reply and then 4 weeks for another lead to get to me i was very unhappy with them , then they ****ed my bonus disc order up


          You could try contacting Saurian, I think hes worked on fixing cubes, and gets spares for them every now and again.


            I've emailed him but he must be busy atm.

            I'll wiat for is response before taking any action though as I don't think I'd find any more info on it than he has.


              If its down to a cable then its probably the power board thats died - which apparently is common - it can happen when you switch leads whilst the power is on.

