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Best thing to clean snes carts with?

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    Best thing to clean snes carts with?

    just got my snes today and all the games work aside from 2 (pilotwings and cybernator) anyway i think its just cos their a bit dirty and im wondering what would be the best thing to clean the contacts with???

    A ear bud, but try not to use one that's too waxy.


      Use an cotton bud, pref one that cleans tape heads as they are much strong... soak it in isopropyl alcohol or tape cleaning fluid. Rub the bud along the contacts quite firmly and that should get rid of most of the dirt.

      If the games still fail to work then rubbing the contacts lightly with some fine emery paper (looks like black sandpaper) will get rid of anything that the cotton bud couldn't. Remember lightly or you will scratch the copper off the board, it should shine at you when you've finished.


        use a cotton earbud first then use a cottonbud with switch cleaner soaked in it works for me

