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Where can I get a PSP repaired in the UK?

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    Where can I get a PSP repaired in the UK?

    As described in this thread: I have an (extra) broken PSP. The back of the PSP is dented, and there seems to be a crack just at the top of the LCD screen on the front, although you can't feel it to touch. Is there any place/person who might be able to do something with it? Obviously I would pay for any labour and postage. Any suggestions gratefully received...

    Doubt you'll get it fixed in the UK mate, your best bet would be to ask someone who lives in Japan to try and return it for you.


      You mean like Sony Japan's repair service? Anybody living in Japan who could do this?


        Forget getting it fixed.

        If i were you i'd be claiming for it on the household contents insurance. Tell them you dropped something on it. They'll never know you've got 2 and they certainly won't be be able to get it repaired for you either. Worst case scenario you'll get another new one, best case they'll just give you the money.

        Obviously its dodgy and i'm not advising you to do it. Just telling you what i'd be thinking if i was in your shoes.

        Before anyone accuses me of pushing up insurance premiums. I pay an absolute fortune every year for contents insurance and up to now have never claimed for a single thing. Its about time that people started getting value for money from whats little more than a legal scam.
        Last edited by Yoshimoto; 12-01-2005, 17:55.


          Sell it as damaged, you might get something back for it


            Yeah, damaged old PS2's rarely go for any less than ?50 on eBay, so it's worth a try.


              wait for PAL release and take it back to Argos!! Mwwwohhahaha


                Originally posted by AllYourBase
                wait for PAL release and take it back to Argos!! Mwwwohhahaha
                The man is a genius! - so true that!


                  Yod@ over at rllmuk is looking at it for me. I was considering waiting for the PAL release and trying it on. A friend of mine is an actor, I'll get her to coach me on 'looking innocent'


                    Originally posted by Yoshimoto
                    Before anyone accuses me of pushing up insurance premiums. I pay an absolute fortune every year for contents insurance
                    Totally OT but what you suggest, aside from fraud/theft implications, is why you, and all of us, have to pay such high premiums in the first place.


                      The retail route is the way to go - wait for UK release, buy one that day, then take broken Jap one back next day.

                      There's nothing to feel bad about here - the units are "international" so if you bought one whilst on holiday abroad and it breaks after you come back to UK you SHOULD be able to exchange it anyway !

                      Plus the bint in the shop ain't gonna have a clue


                        The unit is completely borked - it's dead. So the whole pack is now for sale in the trading forum. (Mods - hope this is OK - some people PMed me to ask me to update this thread when I found out what was happening with it)


                          What happend to it? i had a couple of issues with mine powering back on, try taking the battery out and jamming it back in a couple of times


                            FFS read the first post . Christ alive.

