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Jap RE4 infrared sight.

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    Jap RE4 infrared sight.

    Help. I sold my IR sight to the pirate and now I can't remember what it looks like to buy another one. Don't have much cash to blow on all sorts of kit.

    I thought after the first spikey I wouldn't need it. I've just met some more and my arse is getting a kicking.

    Stupid IR sight. Oh and it's for the bog-standard rifle.

    I think you're screwed, im pretty sure they can't be bought, at least I don't ever remember seeing one for sale. Your best bet is probabily to spray them with a TMP and hope you hit some of the weakpoints and kill them that way.


      I actualy didnt get the scope first time through, I refused to unfreeze the room its in because something bad was obviously going to happen and I didnt realise anything important was in there. You can avoid regenerators quite effectivly with two tactics, either shotgun their legs off and run away, or shotgun an arm off and run past that side. If you absolutly must kill one (I did) it can be done by getting them down then throwing every grenade u can muster at it, especialy the incindery ones.


        Regenerators are well worth killing though as you get 5,000 for each kill, 10,000 for the spiked variety.

