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MGS3 Question?

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    MGS3 Question?


    I just got MGS3, and was wonderin, what does it mean by "I like MGS!" or "I like MGS2"??? What is the difference?

    Thanks a lot!!!


    If you select "I like MGS" you get Snake as the playable character. If you select "I like MGS2" you get Raiden.

    Go with the first one, for your own sake.


      Oh ok thanks!

      But crap, now I have to start all over again! I chose MGS2. I thought maybe it just had more talking relating to the story like how MGS2 was more story filled. Oh well.

      Thanks man!


        It makes no difference to the game other than a new cutscene at the start. Don't start again.


          If you select I Like MGS2 do you actually run around as Raiden for the whole game?

          The second I saw his face I reset the game and started again.


            Now I know. . . He pulled of his mask. I knew i had seen that face somewhere before. He had a mask of Raiden on, then pulled it off. OK. Cool!

            So thats it. One different cutscene? Ok cool! Thanks guys!


              you missed out on classic gaming moment if you picked I like MGS.

              The anger that starts to brew is unrivaled during that first cut scene.
              one of the funniest things ever


                Originally posted by chosen_one666
                The second I saw his face I reset the game and started again.
                lol, my mate did exactly the same thing when he played it at my house. His reaction was priceless, and I am guessing yours was too.


                  i really hate those questions. i had the uk mgs2 and it had a choice of about 5 answers with stuff like "i've watched mgs1 to the end but didn't play it!" "bring on the action!" etc

                  my us mgs2 just says easy,medium,hard,etc

                  for mgs3, i chose 'i like mgs1!' as i thought it'd determine the experience (eg. stealth vs action). thanks for clearing that one up lads

                  as for the initial different cutscene, i'll check it out, but for me, the cutscene you get when you first play Snake vs Monkey was worth the ?30 alone
                  Last edited by randombs; 13-03-2005, 10:54. Reason: monkeys

