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Firewall and system processes

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    Firewall and system processes

    I recently installed a bandwith monitor and to much suprise found my comptuer uploading and downloading at around 4.5kb/s even when I wasnt running any net applications.

    After some further investigation, I installed netlimiter which shows what programs are using what bandwith, and it tells me that "lsass.exe", "svchost.exe" and "explorer.exe" are all using bandwidth for something, and it ammounts to around 4.5kb/s worth of data on the upload and download. The thing is, they are all critical windows processes and cant be terminated, should I be letting them have access to the internet? I dont run a firewall as I have a decent router, but if I installed zonealarm and stoped them accessing the net would it disrupt something important?

    cheers for any info!

    Bloclk them and see how it goes. It will hardly blow up your PC.
    I'd expect the 2 services to be sending info via loopback but theres no real reason to allow explorer.exe internet access.

    You might wanna scan for spyware and stuff too.

