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Sacnoth (the developers)

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    Sacnoth (the developers)

    Anybody know what happened to them?

    I enjoyed Faselei and Shadow Hearts does anybody know if they are still making games and if they have anything in the pipeline.

    Haven't they just made Shadow Hearts Covenant?


      As far as I know that was a completely different developer. I could be wrong about that but it would make sense as I know Sacnoth were having difficulties. A few years ago I was actually in semi-regular contact with Mr.Kikuta (on a project I was working on which went nowhere) and at that time Sacnoth was still around techniacally but was dormant and he and the staff were working freelance on other projects. Financing seemed to be very tough for them at the time. When my project fell through I lost contact with him but I had heard since that they had ceased to exist (as a company I mean, not as individual human beings).

      I don't know if there was more to the end of the story so it's possible that there was a happy ending somewhere...



        I can't believe that such a tallented team was just lef tto rot like that.

        Its a shame

