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Networking a XP and a Win98 machine

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    Networking a XP and a Win98 machine

    Having serious troubles "seeing" the two computers in the network. I've managed to share a broadband connection between the two computers using my shiny new Netgear DG834G router, but I can't for the life of me work out how to share files. I've started a thread at rllmuk (no bias involved, I love you both equally):

    Any help in advancing the situation would be unbelievably appreciated. I really have no idea what to do next. Horrible feeling of helplessness here.

    To peer to peer network 2 PCs an identical user account has to exist on both PCs with the same password.


      You don't need to.

      Look up "windows shares" on google, it's explained too much to repeat here.

      Basically 'net share' to create a share on the target and then 'net use' to gain access to those shares on the machine you want to get the files on.

