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19" TFT choice and connection advice

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    19" TFT choice and connection advice

    I'm looking to make a bit more room in my pokey little computer/games room, and one of the ideas is to get rid of the aging 17" CRT and 21" 4:3 TV, and replace it with a nice 19" TFT monitor and connect the consoles up to that as well.

    However, having not even looked at monitors in the last god-knows-how-long I don't really know what I'm after. Some of it is guessable, from a PC side of things I'm guessing sub 25ms response is decent, and as high a contrast ratio as I can get (500:1 +?). I'm also aware that ideally I want to move away from the analog input I have at the moment and move towards DVI (not sure which of the two DVI is preferable).

    I also have the problem of connecting the consoles up. I really don't want to have to go via TV card in the PC and sacrifice potential image quality, and having not even bothered looking at prog scan options and connections I'm not sure of the best way to hook everything up.

    In an ideal world, I'll have a nice 19" TFT, digital connections, all of the consoles and PC hooked up to it (via a decent switching box if such a thing exists for what I'm looking to do), and a hell of a lot of space freed up.

    So, where to go and what to do is what I ask. Which monitor (without going into silly money), which connections and if possible a switch for it all?

    Thanks in advance.

    You can get 19" TFT for about ?250 now. You really want a sub 15ms response if you don't want any ghosting. Mine 19" TFT is 12ms and I haven't noticed any ghosting on DVDs or fast pace games like CS:S.


      Yeah, I've seen the pricing. What I'm really after is the information about the consoles, connection types etc.

      Thanks though.


        have a look on or similar and they list the inputs the TFT's have


          DVI is obviously the way to go for PC quality, but i think it'll be a bit of a hurdle for connecting the consoles up. I have never seen a scart to DVI connector, but one must exist somewhere... but have you considered buying a regular LCD tv? It'll be more ??? than a PC monitor, but you can get S-Video, RGB Scart, DVI and VGA on some of them, as well as a TV tuner- and maybe widescreen if you're after it.

          Have a cruise down this list:
          Last edited by in5ane; 21-03-2005, 12:58.


            Yeah, this is the confusion for me, the best way to hook things up. If I go with an LCD TV, I spend a *lot* more and will usually end up with worse resolution for the PC, but a monitor could be a real hassle to connect.


              I've found things like this which look good, but I'd then be going Component > VGA > DVI which I can't imagine being great for the image.

              Also while I'm here, what about HD support? Just to make things even worse


                DVI should cover HD support, but then stuff like Sky2006 and HD DVD players will be using HDMI, and you won't find that on a PC monitor LCD. A few LCD tvs have them tho.

                That converter seems a lot of cash, when a cheap TV card in your PC will do the job via S-Video- is the quality really that bad? In fact, a lot of graphics cards have their own video in these days anyway. I would at least try that option out to see if you can stand it, because it will be *substantially* cheaper than a posh converter or 'proper' LCD tv.


                  i've just bought a 17" LCD for ?150 and it has a 12ms response time..

                  its a belting screen too


                    I got a 15" Aria one few weeks back also, very cheap price and quality is spot on tbh, no ghosting etc.


                      Originally posted by in5ane
                      DVI should cover HD support, but then stuff like Sky2006 and HD DVD players will be using HDMI, and you won't find that on a PC monitor LCD. A few LCD tvs have them tho.

                      That converter seems a lot of cash, when a cheap TV card in your PC will do the job via S-Video- is the quality really that bad? In fact, a lot of graphics cards have their own video in these days anyway. I would at least try that option out to see if you can stand it, because it will be *substantially* cheaper than a posh converter or 'proper' LCD tv.
                      Hmm, I'm having a look now and it seems there are some half decent HDTV cards now, a bit more reading methinks


                        AFAIK the Arias don't have DVI tho do they?

                        Plus, i would also pay more for one that looks awesome, like those super thin Samsungs... Mmmm


                          Originally posted by in5ane
                          AFAIK the Arias don't have DVI tho do they?

                          Plus, i would also pay more for one that looks awesome, like those super thin Samsungs... Mmmm

                          some do some dont.. its an option..

