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Toshiba 36ZP48, does it support 60hz?

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    Toshiba 36ZP48, does it support 60hz?

    Was thinking of buying this TV. Will be playing lots of Xbox on it, & just wondered if it supports 60hz? I've heard it dosen't, surely this can't be true?

    It supports 60Hz, yes, it does 100Hz too, and PAL and NTSC progressive scan.

    It's a perfect TV for gaming.

    EDIT: it might be worth looking at the Toshiba 36ZP38 as well. It's pretty much the same spec as the 36ZP48 but has a lovely piano black frame and is a good three of four hundred pounds cheaper.
    Last edited by Pikman; 22-03-2005, 12:32.


      I've got the 36ZP38 and thoroughly recommend it: you get decent enough DD5.1 chucked in as well.


        One thing I find kind of annoying about the TV is it won't do 4:3 ratio progressive scan, so your stuck with a stretched picture or no progressive scan if the game doesn't have a widescreen option.


          Just play it in "super live" mode for this - it's a compromise between 4:3 and 16:9 and you only lose a bit off the top and bottom of the picture... (with the most vital information in the middle of the screen allegedly not being stretched. Allegedly).


            Originally posted by anephric
            Just play it in "super live" mode for this - it's a compromise between 4:3 and 16:9 and you only lose a bit off the top and bottom of the picture... (with the most vital information in the middle of the screen allegedly not being stretched. Allegedly).
            I don't like the Superlive mode, it still looks stretched to me and it also cuts some of the picture picture off, which can be annyoing in a few games that have things at the edges of the screen.


              A couple of people were selling their stes on You could pick yourself an absolute bargain.

              What price have you found for it bignige?


                Originally posted by Duk
                I don't like the Superlive mode, it still looks stretched to me and it also cuts some of the picture picture off, which can be annyoing in a few games that have things at the edges of the screen.
                It IS a compromise, but you can make it less of a compromise by tinkering with the screen-size settings (even more so if you're willing to dip into the service menus).


                  Originally posted by 007
                  A couple of people were selling their stes on You could pick yourself an absolute bargain.

                  What price have you found for it bignige?
                  I've found it for ?660 (36") and ?440 (32"). A shop near me is getting rid of a load of TV's and have taken a further 20% off original selling prices.
                  I think they only have 1 of each. They may be gone now though.


                    Originally posted by anephric
                    It IS a compromise, but you can make it less of a compromise by tinkering with the screen-size settings (even more so if you're willing to dip into the service menus).
                    Agreed. Super Live ain't so bad once tinkered with and a far better aspect than 'squashed' widescreen.

                    In regards to the service menu it's definately worth accessing to fine-tune the geometry (being careful not to adjust the value of unknown parameters). It's somewhat time consuming but with a little patience the picture can be greatly improved.


                      32ZP38 here. Gorgeous TV.

                      How the hell do you get into the Service Menu on it anyway? I want to turn off that blasted thing that ****s up the Geo correction.


                        another 32zp38 user.

                        It's fab and looks swanky too.


                          Okay, Here is how to access the 32/36ZP38's service menu:

                          Press 'mute' on the remote, then press and hold 'mute' on the TV and press 'menu' on the TV.

                          In the service menu use up and down to scroll through menus, left and righ to change values, AV button to cycle through test pages, and 4 brings up a grid pattern (very useful for refining the geometry).

                          Here are the names of the geometry parameters: HPOS, HIT, VLIN, VPS2, WID, PARA, CNR, TRAP, CPAR, HSC, VPS1, CSAW (these are the only settings you should adjust).

                          I strongly advise noting down all the factory setting values BEFORE adjusting anything, this way if you **** it up it's possible revert to the old settings.

                          Last edited by Pikman; 23-03-2005, 12:40.


                            As above: it's a minefield of potential ****ups.

                            I managed to bork my old Hitachi simply by saving the settings using the wrong exit icon.

                            It needed a factory reset by engineers to put right - I lost half my AV channels and most options (I think I'd fooled it into thinking it was a less featured tv set).

                            On the plus side, you can tinker with the RGB values and reduce the overscan of the tube, hence getting more picture information... plus correct the geometry, if you feel up to it. I believe the 32ZP38 can display a green grid onscreen to help you in this endeavour...
                            Last edited by anephric; 24-03-2005, 10:49.


                              Originally posted by Pikman
                              Okay, Here is how to access the 32/36ZP38's service menu:

                              Press 'mute' on the remote, then press and hold 'mute' on the TV and press 'menu' on the TV.
                              But there are no buttons on the TV, apart from the on button >_<

                              I can't remember what it is, but there's some chronic ghosting on it from time to time, and the geometrey is slightly off. I learnt that it was a setting that I can't remember the name of that shouldn't really be on 100hz TVs, and that it could be switched off in the service menu...

                              ...except I can't do that because I have no buttons on the TV. Sigh.
                              Last edited by hankwangford; 23-03-2005, 16:01.

