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Xbox HELP gratefully recieved!

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    Xbox HELP gratefully recieved!

    Hi. Just having trouble with my Xbox headset. When online, it appears on icons as constantly activated and makes a constant sound to other listeners and drowns out my voice. I didn't erealise until I was attacked by my own team in Halo 2 and called a dickhead for my troubles.

    Don't know whether this is related (and should maybe be on the PC threads) but I run my Xbox as a shared network through my PC. There was no problems when I went away on holiday, but when I came back my PC had a hijacker virus and the headset was like this (I let my housemates share my PC/Xbox - Coz I'm that kind of a guy). Might be a coincidence but does anyone know if this is a sign of any problems, before I buy a new headset.

    Incidentally, the reception is set to headset only, so its not TV feedback.

    Any help gratefully received!

    Yeah, I've just been trying to play some games with Supaglue and also had a crack at getting some voice chat going through the Xbox dashboard, and pretty much the only sound I got out of my earpiece was feedback. It's kind of similar to the noise you get when talking to somebody with a **** telephone landline, only *much* worse - it's impossible to hear what he's saying and the only indication that he is actually saying anything at all is that there's the occasional burp in the noise.


      never had any problems with my headset,and it's the one i got way back when Live launched.

      I'd say get yourself a new one and try that out to see if it's still having problem's,then you can eliminate the fact of it being the headset itself.I believe a replacment headset from MS is free.At least,my friend got his replacement for free.Just blag!


        yeah just ring up MS and tell them about the problem, they are remarkably liberal with replacement stuff, once i rang up with a stuck button on my ms mouse and they replaced it right away with a brand spanking new model.


          Think I'll try the blag. Just hope it is my headset...

