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dreamcast saturn emulator?

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    dreamcast saturn emulator?

    ive just been browsing emule and came across a saturn emu with 19 roms for the dreamcast! is it for real? and any good?


    I seriously doubt it. The best/only PC emu barely works on a ninja PC, so the poor ol' DC doesn't stand a hope in hell.

    The Saturn is notoriously difficult to emulate (dual processors and such) - I doubt we'll see a decent emulator for a good while, if at all.


      forget it.
      i remember way back when, sega were either working on or going to work on an emulator called satcast, but it nothing became of it.
      i used one emulator a few times on my pc when i had it (p4 2.8 with radeon 9700 pro) and it was a bit jerky but ok, althouhg the graphics were a bit screwed up. i think it was called satourne but i can't remember. i only tried vf2 on it


        thanks guys!

        im already dowmloading it, so i'll rip it and see how it performs, out of curiosity.

        looks like i'll have to get a modded saturn then.


          lol be careful! seriously.

          it may end up being something like mame or a nes emu or something. or a dodgy film... or most likely some random copy of microsoft office. it happens

