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Advice needed - Gaming PC or Laptop/Notebook

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    Advice needed - Gaming PC or Laptop/Notebook

    While I have used a PC now for as long as I can remember, I remain a virtual novice when it comes to PC gaming, save for The Sims and Half Life 1 (both of which I ran on a standard desktop with no special upgrades for gaming).

    I have recently moved and I no longer have regular access to my former PC (that being my parents' PC!), and am looking to invest. I would love to play Half Life 2 first and foremost, having waited so long since the first game, however I am not expecting to play to the game to its maximum (ie. I don't want to spend silly money in order to get the best graphics).

    What I want is a reliable machine that will play HL2 to a very good standard, and to have something that will cope with most games for the next couple of years.

    The only other concern is space. My flat is small, and the space within it is already restricted. As such I ahve been toying with the idea of getting a laptop, although I realise that these are more expensive for what you get, as well as being, on the whole, non-upgradable.

    I noticed this as being a bit of a stand-out

    but as I say I am a complete novice.

    Does anyone have any advice that might assist me in my choice? ie. what to look for, best-for-price and so on? My maximum (very maximum) budget would be ?1,500, which is why the laptop in the link above is posted as an example.

    Any help much appreciated.

    do not buy a laptop for gaming. That one you link to has only got 128 meg ATI card for a start.

    If space is an issue get a shuttle pc.


      Aye the shuttles are pretty tiny, that plus a TFT screen will take up minimal desk space.

      While not as expandable as a tower, there's still the ability to swap your graphics card, memory and processor. For ?1,500 you're laughing tbh, that'll by you a monster games machine. Just be careful with shuttle and gfx card selection, some combinations don't fit due to the heatsink/fan sizes.

      Take a look here:


        What replicant says.

        For ?1500 you can get a monster PC, a ?1000 limit is more like it if you're not bothered about ultra speed.

        I'd recommend a AMD64 system with 1Gb of RAM and a 6600GT graphics card. I presume you'll be getting an LCD? 17" is fine for me, although you may have room for a 19".

        You'll save a lot of money by building your own, do a search of this forum for people who have asked about doing the same in the past.


          I have recently been researching building a nice gaming pc and ?1500 will get you a lovely PC with the top cards (ie 850 or 6800 ultra) and that includes a nice 19" monitor. If you get a smaller screen then you can probably put the extra money towards an uber cpu.

          Dont bother with a laptop if you want to play games, and with modern TFT screens pcs need not take up much space. Generally you can hide a midi tower under a desk easily (and keyboard and mouse) and only have a nice screen sitting on a table.

          The bulk of problems I had with PCs and space was using large CRTs.
          Last edited by winky; 02-04-2005, 09:09.


            Thank you. I guessed that might be the reaction. Thanks for the link Marty - I'll investigate the shuttle option


              one of the guys in our office got a alienware laptop for games, and its actually pretty darn good, but pricey.


                I have been investigating the shuttle option, and have a few queries:

                1) Does anyone know which gfx cards will not fit in a shuttle (due to fan size and so on)?

                2) Is it possible to have both a DVD burner and CD writer in a shuttle, or just the one 5.25 drive only?

                3) I assume that I would be able to run Word and Excel and all that other horrible Microsoft cr&p that I'm forced to do my work on. Please let me know if not.


                  I'm not sure on question 1 (it's normally dependant on the model and make), but anyway:

                  2. There's only one 5.25 drive in most shuttle systems, so obviously you can only have the one drive (unless you use a USB caddy). If you want a CD writer, just get a DVD writer, as it handles both functions.

                  3. Depends on the parts you put in it of course, but nowadays even the processors that are deemed 'budget' (like Durons) should be able to run Office programs with ease. Considering your budget and needs (HL2, for instance), it's naturally going to fly with office programs.


                    Problem that REALLY pees me off is using a laptop to play games on in my experience always causes ghosting, blur of the screen resulting in massive headaches and bad eyes for life!

                    Unless technology has moved on and things have improved I really wouldn't bother with a laptop, just due to the screen performance.



                      Is reccomended for the Graphics card


                        Thanks again guys.

                        I'm getting there slowly.

                        Which version of the Athlon64 should I go for - the 939 or 754? I don't know what the difference is. I'm still to decide on whether to go for the 3500 or the 3800, but that will be something to look at if my budget is tight I suppose.

