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PSP Buttons Stopped Working!

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    PSP Buttons Stopped Working!

    Yesterday i switched on my PSP (4 days old) and none of the buttons worked, the d pad worked but when i pressed any of the buttons nothing happened. I then took the battery out and restarted it and it seems to be working fine, has anybody else encountered this??

    It worries me that this sort of thing can happen on a handheld.

    Havnt heard of that one before though.


      You sure the key lock switch wasn't partially closed down ? The switch on the bottom right that you use to turn the power on/off ?? If it happens again I'd maybe click that switch down to the lock position then back up again.


        Originally posted by Yiggy
        It worries me that this sort of thing can happen on a handheld.
        As opposed to happening on a calculator you mean ?


          The PSP's build quality issues don't surprise me. I think my PSP has already started to get dust in behind the screen at the edges, even though I've only had it for four days.

          It's why I've ordered a screen protector.

          Can't say I've had any trouble with the buttons though.


            the lock wasnt on as the d pad still worked.

            sods law that it happened when my girlfriend was trying to watch spiderman 2 in the car, trying to figure out the problem at 80mph wasnt the best! she'd been showing an interest up until the point that i screamed at her to select the UMD and press X about 10 times each one louder than the last. i had to apologise afterwards!


              Ah, shouting at the girlfriend for being a technological nincompoop. A past time i can relate to


                Originally posted by in5ane
                Ah, shouting at the girlfriend for being a technological nincompoop. A past time i can relate to
                I think we've all been there. It's unfortunate when you're proven wrong though.


                  I still can manage to lay the blame on my gf, even when i am wrong. Call it a gift


                    Originally posted by Concept
                    The PSP's build quality issues don't surprise me. I think my PSP has already started to get dust in behind the screen at the edges, even though I've only had it for four days.

                    It's why I've ordered a screen protector.

                    Can't say I've had any trouble with the buttons though.
                    tbh mate, I'd have thought the dust gets into the case from the edges as opposed to via the screen...

