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    I am looking to buy an imported japanese PSP. I am new to importing and have been looking around at places where i could get one from. Has anyone had any experience with buygame2, their prices seem good so I am thinking of ordering one from them.

    Those prices are pretty expensive for the PSP. $250US for a regular Japanese PSP, or $290 for a value pack, which I'm assuming does not include shipping. Why not buy a US value pack, which includes the Spiderman 2 UMD for pretty much a similar price. Videogamesplus or NCSX, or even Ebay, which, if you are lucky, you can get one for $250 (US retail price) to $260 + about $40 to $50 shipping.


      I dealt with "buygame2" once before, a while back. Got Sega-Direct Ninja Gaiden from them and there were no problems.


        I bought one fron here (or else RLLMUK) a few weeks ago. The advantage of that was that it was in the UK and there were no worries with Customs.

        If you are concerned about the possibility of a customs charge you should try Yes Asia. I have used them a lot of times. I bought an Asian PS2 earlier in the year (to play Japanese games) and it arrived within 6 days of the Shipping notification. They bring the items into the UK, pay taxes and then repost. Their prices may be a little higher (though not necessarily) but for that amount you get free standard shipping.

        Oh, and an advantage of a Japanese PSP would be that it will play any UK UMD Movie releases as the UK and Japan are both Region 2 for DVD.
        Last edited by Bassman; 07-04-2005, 07:35.


          Just an update- has anyone ordered from here recently?
          if so any probs? How fast is delivery?


            Johnny uses them all the time.


              I do indeed. Wasn't there another thread about them somewhere? Could have sworn I responded to punio75 about them...

              At any rate, yeah they're top notch. Cheaper and quicker than PA, no customs etc.

