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Visual flicker on the PSP?

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    Visual flicker on the PSP?

    This could be just my model but I wanted to ask. When playing Wipeout I noticed a flicker a couple of times. It's hard to describe but it seemed like the image was split and the top half had updated quicker than the bottom half or vice versa. There was just a little jump. I noticed it most when passing a bright red banner in (I think) the second course so I thought maybe it was something to do with the fact that the banner was animated and had been caught mid-refresh.

    But then I got Tony Hawk (which had been misdelivered to Iceland rather than Ireland) and, in that, I'm seeing much more of this flicker. It happens quite a bit.

    Now it's no big deal and it doesn't affect game play. I do have a keen eye for these things as I watch images and frame rates for a living but I'm sure I can't be the only one to have spotted it. Does it happen to anyone else? Anybody know what it is or why it would only happen in certain games?

    Not noticed it myself. Does it occur only when there's a drop in framerate? Sounds like the tearing you get when the framerate isn't matching the refresh rate.


      I have both those games, the framerate can be a little choppy but i can't say i've seen anything like that. Maybe you've got super eyes.


        Sounds like a what would be a vsync issue in the PC world... basically the game's framerate slowed a little while drawing frames and you noticed.

        I've seen it in Wipeout too... don't worry.


          I've had it kind of tear on me once, but it wasn't anything that bad, just lasted a split second.


            I had it once in RRacers - Thought maybe it was cause the battery was low. I wouldn't sweat it.

