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Wonderswan - Swan Colosseum - How much should I pay?

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    Wonderswan - Swan Colosseum - How much should I pay?

    Hi all,

    I'm looking to get hold of Swan Colosseum for the Wonderswan from an eBay seller in Japan but I was wondering, what would be a fair price to tell them I would be willing to pay?

    I've heard it's a decent title to own (duddyroar mentioned it on another thread I think, can't remember).

    Any thoughts? (anepheric, I'm looking to you in particular for your Wonderswan expertise here )

    Is it boxed? In decent nick? If so then...'s not particularly rare so no more than a tenner. There's a few floating around on for $24.99 new...

    It is worth owning (I bought Duddyroar's cart!).

    I'm not an expert, btw, just a passionate, somewhat deranged amateur


      Heh, people actually listen to what I say?

      I got my copy with my WS Color and two other games - the whole lot only cost ?40 including postage from the States, so that gives you an idea of the game is worth. It's fairly common, as anephric says.

      Great game though. very impressive considering the hardware it's running on - it could easily pass as a GBA title.


        Originally posted by anephric
        I'm not an expert, btw, just a passionate, somewhat deranged amateur
        Nowt wrong with that!

        Cheers for the help amigos.

