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Anisotropic Vs. Bi/Tri-linear

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    Anisotropic Vs. Bi/Tri-linear

    Ok Tech-heads - whats the difference? Is there any?

    what do these things do?

    Any info would be appreciated.


    The difference between Bi/trilinear isn't that much, hardly noticable.

    But turning on anisotropic makes textures look much sharper.

    Check out the link to see what they do.


      Right, bi-linear means when you sample a pixel's colour from a texture map, you linearly interpolate it with the adjacent pixels, twice (hence bi-linear). With Tri-linear, it's the same, but you linearly interpolate three times.

      Anisotropic Filtering is a different kettle of fish. It's a filtering technique relying on mip-map levels, as the further way from the camera you are, then a lower resolution texture is used. Anisotropic Filtering basically means that more higher resolution textures are used, and I suggest you look at these two images to see the difference (the coloured bands are the mipmap levels)

      No Anistropy

      8X Anisotropic Filtering

