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Cleaning the PSP?

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    Cleaning the PSP?

    Hey all!

    My PSP screen is now really dirty. Not that bad, but dirty. Seems to come from the white wraping that the PSP came in. Anyway, I just tried cleaning the screen with the cloth and no bull, it took me about 15 minutes to get the screen clean, as it just kept smudging and leaving wipe marks everywhere! But eventually it worked with no scratches

    Now I will get my screen protectors soon, and don't want to go through this trouble again, so is there an easy way or it this it?

    Thanks a lot!

    Well, I tend to squirt a little window cleaner (not too much) onto a cloth or kitchen paper and wipe the PSP with that, then using the dry side, wipe it clean to ensure no streaks are left behind and this works a treat for me.


      I got a PSP screen cleaner with my PSP, a few seconds with that occasionally and it looks as good as new. I hear the cloths used for spectacles are just as good.

      I don't bother with a screen protector, but i do keep it in the Sony case the whole time i'm not playing it.


        No scratches? I might try that! I just didn't want to try something damp. It works?

        Any other methods?

        Yeah, Thats the cloth I used. The one that came with the PSP. It took FOREVER!


        Off topic, I go for my licence test tomorrow! Wish me luck


          You get a US PSP? My console didn't come with a cloth, it's just some 3rd party cloth. Having said that, it does work so much better than when i've not had it to hand and tried to wipe the screen with other stuff.


            Yeah I got a US PSP. It came in the box.

            The screen is cool how it doesn't scratch, but a bitch how it smudges. I want a method where it won't waste another 15 minutes of my time. As I will wipe it again in a couple of days when I get my screen protectors.


              I use the cloth that I got with my LCD-TV and that works like a charm. I clean after every playing session and that takes no more than a minute and it looks all shiny & new again then.

