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PS2 - US or PAL?

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    PS2 - US or PAL?


    I bought a PAL PS2, I also got an IXOS Scart, which makes everything look beautiful. But I really want to play GT4 in 60hz. Do I ditch the two-day-old PAL PS2 for an American one? Would that be stupid?

    I really wanted to get the Swap Magic Disc and then import a US copy of GT4, but in another thread I found out that it is incompatible.


    Get it chipped.


      Unless you have a problem with 50 Hz it plays just as fast as the NTSC versions. WIth the graphical glitches in all the NTSC versions (I have the Japanese, American and Korean versions) the PAL is a better version.

      I admittedly now have an Asian, American (I had no intention of buying one but someone was selling a brand new one relatively cheap) and PAL PS2. At least with the slimlines the power adaptor works on all voltages. At least it has given me the opportunity to try LAN links between versions (though I have yet to try a PAL/NTSC link).


        Really? So apart from the boarders the PAL version is the best? It really fustrates me that there was no 60hz option. Most games published by Sony Europe have a 60hz option - why not the flagship game?!

        As for getting it chipped - does anyone know somewhere in Leeds (or near Leeds) that will do it? And what kinda cost am I looking at?



          sorry dude, i don't think chipping is discussed on this forum anymore, due to a recent(ish) court case deaming them illegal, unfortunitly.

          dems the brakes!

          Sony bastards (in regards to disallowing us region free gameing like it's a crime)

          got mine chipped though


            got PS2 Test to be politically correct(?)... he he


              Driving the Mulsanne straight at speed gives an identical experience in the PAL version in terms of speed. Not sure of the borders with my 16:9 set up.

              If you go NTSC I would suggest you go for the Korean version (available from Play-Asia). There is a fair amount of Korean script, but unlike the Japanese version, the car names are in English and you get 4 cars that are not in any other version (3 Hyundais and a Lexus). If you will be wanting to use cheat codes (????) I am still trying to find some for that version.


                Good to know, thanks for that Bassman.

                Sorry about enquiring about chipping, didn't realise it was taboo.
                I don't think I really want my ps2 being opened up anyway.

                By the sounds of things there are too many advantages to PAL to justify getting an NTSC version just to rid me of the boarders. (eg, language, music, lack of glitches, same running speed...).


                  Do you have a hi-def display? If you're running plain vanilla interlaced standard resolution telly, I'd stick with PAL; the only big advantage of the NTSC version is the hi-def output, and if you're not going to use that it's pointless.


                    You can always check the gamefaqs list in order to avoid the crappy PAL conversion games:

