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Best LCD TV for gaming/monitor hybrid?

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    Best LCD TV for gaming/monitor hybrid?

    I'm been looking into combining my monitor and tv into one (I don't watch TV, though). I only use my PC for gaming so it makes sense. 1600x1200 would be the perfect resolution. Any recommendations?

    Depends on your budget m8, although if its primary function will be games , your likely to be a little disapointed.

    I've been looking to replace my 19" mitsubishi diamond pro crt with a spanky new lcd/tft for my pc, and up to now i still hav'nt found one that would make the swap worth it.

    I think i must have read 50+ reviews of various tft's from virtually every manufacturer, and not one can come close to replicating the quality of a top draw crt monitor.
    Only yesterday i read a review of one of the latest xerox tft's rated at 8ms, during the tests though this responce time was fluctuating 25 - 50ms in some tests...

    Apparently these 8ms tft's use 6bit panels rather than 8bit, and this gives a trade off in picture quality and color definition, so you may not get excessive ghosting but your pictures likely to look a little washed out.

    Probably not a good idea to get a tv type lcd for your pc, as these are not really designed for fast paced games. Best of getting a dedicated monitor for your system, but thats just my opinion.

    From the reviews i read, samsung and dell offered consistent quality in there tft's b both the samsung 193p 19 20ms" and the dell 2005fp 20".1 16ms both get good reviews from anandtech and others. The dell model has a res of 1600 x 1200 and is in widescreen format.

