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Pariah Demo

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    Pariah Demo

    Getting a fair amount of press since a strong showing at E3 last year, Pariah is the latest FPS from Digital Extremes, who created the original Unreal Tournament and have been involved throughout the Unreal series.

    The multiplayer demo's out now, and it's pretty solid, if not spectacular. Graphically, it's top stuff, the demo maps being pretty huge and sprawling and the engine handling lots of people, vehicles and weapon effects being thrown about the place. There's some nice effects, such as the way the background zooms out a little as you take off in one of the vehicles, or the way using the Plasma rifle distorts your view (not totally clear on why, but it looks neat).

    Gameplay wise, it's fairly predictable FPS stuff. The weapons are big and meaty and fairly satisfying to use, but nothing that new. It's a little harder than your average FPS, with fairly aggressive view bobbing with movement and the like and the weapons generally requiring more accuracy than usual to be effective. Weapon choice works along a character class system, and there's no straight deathmatch, only Team DM, so in theory with some balanced teams games could be pretty interesting.

    Didn't try Capture the Flag, but I guess that'll be fairly standard. Frontline Assault is rather like Frontline Force, an old Half-Life mod, insofar as you have a big map with command points and the objective is to capture each successive command point, pushing forward from one to the next. Again, it's fine and enjoyable, but nothing new.

    The main interest in the demo though is seeing how spectacular it looks and feels, and it is clearly a technically excellent game, if not quite up to the spectacle of Half-Life 2. That comparison aside, there's enough here to suggest that if the single player comes off, Pariah could be worth checking out.

    Where can we get the download? I have pre-ordered the Xbox version, but I can always play a demo on the PC first.


      Had a few games last night, seemed rediculously laggy. The worst lag I've seen in a PC game for years.


        Can't say I'm interested in the multiplayer, but the singleplayer looks quite good.

        Its only ?17.99 on Play

        Got mine on order


          Really Mr. Pump? I had a few servers disconnect altogether on me, but the rest of the time things were silky smooth. There was an obvious lack of dedicated servers though, which definitely didn't help!

          Surprised it's so cheap on, obviously not expecting this to be a big hitter at all. Will wait for the review scores to start rolling in, but it does definitely seem promising.


            Originally posted by Stuart Smith
            Really Mr. Pump? I had a few servers disconnect altogether on me, but the rest of the time things were silky smooth. There was an obvious lack of dedicated servers though, which definitely didn't help!
            Yep, even with just a couple of players it was almost impossible to play.
            Just had a half decent game now, not as smooth as Unreal tournament mind you and then my computer randomly reset. Not sure whether this was Pariahs fault or not but it is quite high on my list of suspects.


              Demo is here -


                Originally posted by Stuart Smith
                Surprised it's so cheap on, obviously not expecting this to be a big hitter at all.
                They by and large tend to sell pre-order PC games quite cheap. STALKER is also on there for ?17.99

                Ordered that as well


                  I'm looking forward to stalker, news is its been delayed untill august 2006 tho :/


                    2006 ??!!

                    There's nothing been announced on the official site yet, so fingers crossed that's just a dirty rumour


                      I tried the Demo but I keep getting 'the master server is unavaliable'. The game runs well though, even on my puny pc.


                        Going to give this a try tonight. I watched some vids on IGN recently and it looked so incredibly generic though.


                          Not too impressed from my first few plays. All of the weapons I have trued are a bit too slow to really get your frag on.


                            Had a play of the demo. Hmm... this game could be the very definition of uninspired, by the numbers, generic...

                            Boring stuff, so sluggish and slow. The FOV is way too close, makes it look like the game is zoomed in all the time. Nasty dated visuals too, that old Unreal engine is long overdue retirement.


                              this game looked amazing in all the screens I saw, but the level of detail was blandville, it did run at a bizzillion FPS though.

