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Xbox overheating?

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    Xbox overheating?

    This might seem like a daft question, but I'm wondering if it's normal for an Xbox to heat up after an hour or so of use. After playing some of Concrete Jungle I took the disc out and noticed it was a bit warm. Nothing unusual, as consoles often warm up after a fair bit of play, but in an hour? I thought nothing of it at first, but It's been a good few months since I last used the console, and I can't remember if it's happened before. Everything works alright - the fan's humming away like it should, the games all play fine, and there's no smoke or sparks coming out of the machine. It's just now I'm wondering if there is something amiss, or I'm just overreacting.
    Anyway, I figured I should ask you guys here just to make sure.

    I would assume that as long as the machine is well ventilated, it will be ok.


      It would probably be fine, it was was overheating unnaturaly I assume the fan would go crazy too, In XBMC you can play about with temp and fan speed, and the fan does go very very fast and loud at it's highest setting, probably only when the Xbox temp goes unnaturaly high.

      So as long as the fan was going normal speed, you should be fine.

      I think...


        more than likely the disc is just warm from being spun up in the drive, not because the xbox itself is particulaly hot.


          Well, I noticed the back of the console was a bit warm as well, but like I said earlier, everything works fine. Think I should've mentioned that in my first post.

