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The best stepdown for a PS2..

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    The best stepdown for a PS2..

    I've been borrowing a step-down from someone for ages now^^*
    I've finally returned it and want to buy myself one.

    It's for my Japanese PS2, I read the FAQ about it,
    but I see that a step-down needs to be at least 100Watts, it suggests that it should be 30% higher than 100Watts.
    Unlike Voltage (which has to be 240V to 110V, right??) does the Watts rating matter if it's like 300Watts step-down, it won't fry the PS2 will it??

    I'm just checking to be sure.. and any recommendations with certain ones?? bearing in mind that I'd only use it for my ntsc PS2..



    a 100w stepdown should be fine for you ps2 or you could get a larger one that you'll be able to use on future consoles/ have more than one plugged in to

