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Xbox Live on USA Xbox?

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    Xbox Live on USA Xbox?

    Apologies in advance if these are rather obvious questions that everyone else knows the answrs to! Any help would be much appreciated.

    I have an unmodded USA Xbox and a 2mb broadband connection at home.

    Is it possible to hook my Xbox up with American Xbox Live from within the UK?

    Would the American Xbox Live allow me to register with UK address details?

    I imagine it wouldn't make a difference, but would the American Xbox Live operate at a similar speed to the UK service from within the UK?

    Originally posted by MO2J
    Is it possible to hook my Xbox up with American Xbox Live from within the UK?

    Would the American Xbox Live allow me to register with UK address details?

    I imagine it wouldn't make a difference, but would the American Xbox Live operate at a similar speed to the UK service from within the UK?
    I too have an American XBox.

    1 - Yes.
    2 - Yes.
    3 - It connects to the local Live servers, whether it's an American box or not.

    You will have zero problems running an USA XBox on Live in the UK. Also, if it's relevant, I have used an American Live kit and an UK Live kit to subscribe to XBox Live and both codes were accepted.


      Thanks a lot!

      Am I right in thinking that it's better to get the USA Live kit for my USA Xbox, or does it not really matter?

      As Live would be using the local servers, would that mean I would be playing against UK or US players?

      If UK players, are there any compatibility problems between a player of a 60hz USA game and the rest of the players if they are using a 50hz pal version of that game?

      Thanks again


        I doesn't matters. When you search optimatch it will pick up the UK players as being the closest so they will have a better connection for you to play against - the region of xbox only really decides what region games you can play - nothing to do with your Live kit , or the players.

        As for 60hz/50hz, again doesn't matter. Most UK people have it running in Pal 60 anyway. Only a few games that I know off won't let 50 play with 60 and vice versa, one being Burnout 3. But most UK people will play it in 60 anyway.


          Originally posted by MO2J
          Thanks a lot!

          Am I right in thinking that it's better to get the USA Live kit for my USA Xbox, or does it not really matter?

          As Live would be using the local servers, would that mean I would be playing against UK or US players?

          If UK players, are there any compatibility problems between a player of a 60hz USA game and the rest of the players if they are using a 50hz pal version of that game?
          1 - Doesn't matter. But if you want to play the free demo bundle you get with it, you'll need an American pack.

          2 - Both.

          3 - Very few games have problems. As Matt notes, the only one I can think of is Burnout 3, and you'd have a hard time finding a 50Hz server, anyway. 50Hz - Popular it ain't.

