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I want faster broadband: Help!

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    I want faster broadband: Help!

    I am with Supanet at the moment 1meg ?23. I know this is slow and expensive now, so I want to upgrade because I found out my line can take 4megs.

    Supanet can't other me 4megs, and their 2megs has a 10gb cap

    My parents don't want to change phone lines, so Bulldog won't let me have their 4megs.

    What are UKOnline like?? They offered me 2megs for ?20- are they are decent company- I had never heard of them.

    If anyone knows any other 4meg deals that don't require a phone line change please let me know. All advice much appreciated!


    freedom2surf do 2meg for 25quid and I've had continual fast service with a 50GB cap per month.


      #3 might help



        I've just migrated from BT to monthly restrictions!

        People on the phone speak English which is a refreshing change after BT, really seemed to want to help with any questions I had.

        There's also eclipse, but they aren't as cheap...

        Nasstar is a managed service provider and leading Microsoft and AWS Partner, specialising in technology transformation and solutions to help your business succeed.


          If you aren't in a LLU area (ie Bulldog or Easynet/UKOnline) then you're stuck with 2 meg I'm afriad. All other ISP packages are based on BTWholesale packages, and the fastest they do (for now) is 2Mbit.


            I can have 4megs, but only Bulldog are doing 4megs and they insist you have to change the phone line- something which my parents won't agree to!


              If that's the case then you're in a Bulldog LLU area (where they put their own equipment in at the exchange). If you don't take it from them on their conditions, you're stuck with BT Wholesale packages (from whatever ISP you choose) at a maximum of 2Mbit.



                ?20 for 2mb? Holy ****....

                I pay ?35 for my 2megs with AOL the *****.......CANCELLATION coming up!


                  AOL's 2 Mbit service is ?29.99 though


                    My Telewest seems steep at ?35 for 2mb now - Although it is uncapped


                      AOL have ****ed up with me 'cos they are charging me ?24.99 for 2 Mbit.


                        I`d consider trying to talk your parents into swapping over the line and going to bulldog. Nothing has to be done on there part, just give bulldog your BT ref number and they will do the rest. Also the ?30 a month includes the line rental So the broadband essentially works out at ?20 a month as line rental is about ?10 a month.

                        Before you or anyone else on here do consider going on bulldog or anyone similar offering over 2mb with adsl, be prepared to for disconnections to start of with, especially in the evenings as line noise increases and your adsl line will loose sync and disconnect. As to how good or bad this problem will be for you depends greatly on how close your line is to the exchange.

                        Bulldog originally started me of at 5.8 meg and i was getting tons of disconnects in the evening, so i phoned them up and they capped it to 4.0 meg straight of to reduce line noise and while it was great in the day i was still getting quite a few disconnects in the evenings. Phoned them up again and capped it to 3meg and is perfect now and get around 320kB dl and 60kB upload which is great for hosting games on live.


                          I'm currently with pipex on a 1mb line @ ?23.44. Its much better than my previous isp, tiscali, who were rubbish to put it mildy as the download speeds were slow on their 1mb line


                            I have decided against Bulldog- and I'm now considering UKOnline 2Megs for ?20. Does anyone know if they are a good company- I would hate to have problems as my current IP Supernet 1meg is working like a dream!


                              One word of warning about bulldog, I been with em since last year on 512 service.. ordered the 4mb from em nearly 2 months ago and relayed em my old bt account number pronto, and guess what? since then ive had 0 e-mails no upgrade and all it says in my pending box is testing line oh and by the way this also happened to my mate!
                              Think you'll get through to their customer service?.. hah after 25 plus attempts countless queing on a wait loop after many different daily attempts.. and all i got was a bairly english speaking foreigner, stuttering words to the effect of.. it'll be soon! what a bunch of crapft:

