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RGB Scart multi adaptors

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    RGB Scart multi adaptors

    Evening all.

    Just wondering if anyone can recommend a decent high quality RGB Scart multiway switching box jobbie please? I need at least 5 inputs, although 6 would be nice.

    Basically, I have a Panasonic TX32PL10c. Lovely 32" flat widescreen telly, but only one of the 2 Scarts is RGB wired. Resulting in a mess of 2 way scart adaptors hanging out of the RGBS socket, and me constantly unplugging cables, which is never good.

    In the Argos catalogue, they have a standard black 5way scart block for about 15/20quid. But I've also seen nice silver box jobbies that actually sit under the telly with the other equipment, and you can switch via remote. Damn, nice but 60quid. Yeah, I like my consoles to display the best piccie quality possible (RGB), but I don't wanna go over the top. Not like I'm gonna go build super expensive thick-as-your-um,arm gold plated scart leads for each console......

    What do you guys use?

    i use a four way RGB scart multi adapter. Its by mad catz and works really well, i have my ps2, DC, and neogeo all hooked up to it and i haven't yet had any problems. I haven't actually encountered a 6 way one before to give a verdict on them but i highly recommend the one i have, its only about ?13 also so it will save you a bit of money and you can pick them up from gamestation.


      If the 5way argos one you mentioned is this one then beware, it gives nasty interference with Gamecubes and Xbox (on mine anyway). It's ok for my N64, DC, PS1


        The Joytech one seems to be the daddy for this type of thing. It sits nicely with a DVD player and amp as well.


          Indeed, that is the Argos one, hmmmm.

          And those Joytech units are damn cool. Pity that the price jumps from ?45 to ?70!! for the v2. And all I'd want is the extra Scart, none of the other inputs. Although having a nice LCD that says 'NeoGeo' when I'm using the Neo would be cool. But they don't seem to have audio out either? I'd want one lot of audio cables going into the 5.1 amp.

          What a damn mission.


            Don't think there's a cheap solution. Daisychaining 2 of the decent argos 3-ways together soon get's expensive - 2x10 for the 3-ways + 2x?15 for some average quality scart cables (1 to the tv, 1 for the daisy chain) = ?50 for 5 inputs. Might as well splash out on the joytech.


              Originally posted by muse hunter
              i use a four way RGB scart multi adapter. Its by mad catz and works really well, i have my ps2, DC, and neogeo all hooked up to it and i haven't yet had any problems. I haven't actually encountered a 6 way one before to give a verdict on them but i highly recommend the one i have, its only about ?3 also so it will save you a bit of money and you can pick them up from gamestation.
              I have the Mad Catz one too with my PS2, GC hooked up to it and I get these crazy grey wavey lines all over the place.

