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Gameboy SP or a DS??

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    Gameboy SP or a DS??

    I have all three GBA F-Zero games( which I love ), but my GBA got lost. I can't decide whether to get an SP or just go for a DS.

    Do GBA games look as good on a DS?

    Any other advice appreciated.

    GBA games look way better on DS,
    The buttons are the wrong way around though so will take a little while to get used to.
    I'd just go for DS seeing as that's what Nintendo is concentrating on and that it has some good games out already.


      I think you should keep in account that on the GBAsp you can play old gameboy / gameboy colour games and that you can not do that on the DS. So if you have a bunch of those old games that you want to play it?s worth while to buy another GBAsp. But if you don?t have any GB/GBC games and don?t foresee yourself getting an interest in those than I recommend the DS. It plays pretty nice and the image quality of the screen is a lot better than the GBAsp. The sound quality is also significantly better, and for those GBA games that support stereo you can now set it to stereo without needing headphones to enjoy the settings.

      Originally posted by Ben_nintendo
      The buttons are the wrong way around though so will take a little while to get used to.

      What are you talking about? The A button is still on the right side while the B button is still on the left side, just like on the GBAsp. They have different sizes and on DS they are placed on an steeper angle (relative to each other ) opposed to the position of the A&B buttons on the GBAsp.

      Playing with the DS is a bit different to the GBA and I guess it resembles more how the original GBA felt in your hands. So perhaps you can even say that the DS feels a bit more like a joypad. I guess that would then be a NES-joypad with a SNES-style button layout / configuration.


        I think I'll be getting a DS then- hope there are some good deals around at the moment!

        Cheers for the advice!


          Toys'R'us have some okay bundles going at the mo...


            I want Project-Rub- but Spiderman and Rayman... noooo way!


              BUT! You can trade them in or flog them for more than you'll have paid in some of those bundles...
              Last edited by anephric; 23-04-2005, 15:47.


                Yeah.. you're right, but I think I'll look around for a perfect deal- I'm not in a major rush to get one- there are lots of games taking-up my time at the moment ( trackmania sunrise being the main culprit )


                  Personally i'd go for a DS as well. If you really want to play GB & GBC games get a cheap GBC on ebay for about ?15. Its rumoured at e3 they'll announce a GBA2 but i'd guess it would be a GBA with the better screen from the DS and improved battery life. You can get a DS from Play-Asia for about ?80 + P&P so you might want to look there.


                    So the DS can play GBA games but not ordinary GB games?


                      Originally posted by LaParka
                      So the DS can play GBA games but not ordinary GB games?
                      'Fraid so.


                        I'd echo the DS makes GBA games look better, but, tilt sensor games like Yoshi Grav, Penachu and Made in Wario Tilt don't work as well on a DS as on a SP.

                        DS also doesn't allow link cables, so no Pokemon trading or Mario Kart.
                        This also means Cube games like 4 Swords and Pacman VS can't be played with a DS.

                        Personally I'd recommend a DS for now, but get a cheap 2nd hand SP if things like Cube connectivity or multi player GBA is a requirement.


                          Tronix have US DSes in stock for ?86 delivered via FedEx International.


                            Any one know how much an NES SP is worth? They look cool, and I hear they are very limited edition.

                            Anywhere selling them cheap?


                              I really dislike using the DS for GBA games. It simply isn't as comfortable as the SP.

