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DVD error on PS2?

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    DVD error on PS2?

    see updated post at bottom
    Last edited by charlie5; 28-04-2005, 18:27.

    Make sure you turn the PS2 video settings to RGB, otherwise you would get a green tinted screen.

    However, since you mention that you get a black and white image, the cable you have is not RGB.
    Since you have to plug 3 seperate connectors into the SCART block, i'm assuming it's composite AV.

    Another thing. Make sure you plug the cable in the AV1 port of the TV, since that's the RGB capable slot most TV's have.


      well I have a weird setup but i've managed to get it to work..........

      I have the RGB cable with AV port goin from the PS2 to my Sky+ box, and then I have the yellow cable (video) from my PAL ps2 goin into the AV box, and the red and white (audio) cables going into the Sky+ box, and then a scart from the Sky+ box to my TV........

      weird but it does work.....I still want to get a better setup somehow because 2 things currently;

      1) I need to switch the wires around to play the PAL ps2

      2) when I turn the Ps2 on, the screen loads up and therefore cuts your current viewing.....


        It does sound as if the cable you are using is not RGB, dispite what the box may say.

        This is not uncommon, I've had countless cables labelled as 'RGB Scart', only to find they only output a composite signal. Quite how these people get away with it is beyond me.


          I have a US dvd trying to play in my US reads the disc fine, says DVD Video so I click it and let it load.....and I get the message "TV system doesn't match"??

          It plays US games fine and seemed to play another US dvd no problem.....

