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FFXI Online > Transfer PC to PS2

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    FFXI Online > Transfer PC to PS2

    Anyone know if this is possible? I started the game on PC but now we've got broadband at work (Nightshifts) I wanna know if it's possible to use my PC character through the ps2 version of the game?

    Yeah, of course you can. One of the greatest things about FF XI is that the game is entirely cross platform compatible. Just login to playonline with your PlayStation 2 with your user account and you will be able to select your character. Have fun!


      Fantastic! Final question is that i've got the english version of FFXI on the PC but am planning on using the USA version on ps2. Will this work? If so roll on work!



        of course it will! The point is that Final Fantasy XI works regardless of the version you previously played. You could create your character on a Japanese PlayStation 2 and then play with an English PC version of the game. The character is registered on PlayOnline servers; when you access your account, all of your characters' info are downloaded, regardless of the medium you use to play the game. Cool, uh?

        Just a last thing that has nothing to do with Final Fantasy XI in particular, but I think this is obvious: in order to play a U.S. copy of Final Fantasy XI you need a U.S. NTSC PlayStation 2.
        Last edited by Fenice; 29-04-2005, 20:34.


          Hiya buddy,

          Yeh i've got a usa ps2 to go online with

          I wasn't 100% because I remember something was dodgy between region releases, think it was to do with registering the USA version with a english CC.

          Don't matter anyway! Cheers for the help buddy


            Np, see you around Vana'diel!


              I can't remember the finer points but there is a small issue of going with a US version generated account to a UK version of software.

              I had the game running on my US PS2 (with US HDD) and wanted to convert to the PC version.

              I got the PC one from and installed everything all ok.

              Cant remember if the game worked or not, but I know I could not access my account details (billing etc) through the UK version - Playonline told me I registerd using a different version of the software and my codes weren't right or something.

              Also on the PS2 I only had the game and the first expansion (Rize of the Zilart) as the UK PC version came with the second expansion (Chains of Promethia (sp?!)) I couldnt use this as the UK registration code for it, would not integrate with my US setup account. I had to buy a US PS2 version of the expansion and use that code.

              In the end I ended up getting all US verison of the PC software and never had any more problems.

              Basically I think you could use your UK account on your US machine, but don't expect to be able to access your billing etc. Obviously I don't know for sure, but I do know there ARE account issue to be aware of.



                Hmmm never experienced that, and I have a European PC version and a NTSC Japanese version of the game...


                  Hmmm well I dont know then?!

                  I think the game worked just you couldn't get into account details etc - and for me as I was getting rid of my PS2 HDD I needed to be able to do that to cancel my subriction and manage other account details.

                  I'm sure it was someone on here who told me about the pitfalls of it as I posted a thread here about it.

                  Here is the thread I posted on the same subject a while back.

                  Hope the answers I got help you in some way



