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New TV Problem

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    New TV Problem

    Hi, I've just got a new CRT tv, and in the top right hand corner the colours are different from the rest of the screen, it's a kind of green hue while watching tv, and on the blue AV screen it's a black hue, is there a way to remedy this or will i need to have it sent back for a replacement. Thanks for your help

    Have you got any speakers near the TV. I put a Front chanel speaker on a TV once that had been on another TV with no probs and it made the top corner have a pink hue. Took me ages to figure it out. It was only when I took the speaker off to check the back of the TV I realised. They were magnetically shielded too so dont know why it bothered that particular TV.


      Yeah that'll be the driver spinning inside the speaker creating a magnetic field, which in turn ****s up the cathode ray tubes on your TV. Try it out for yourself by getting a couple of earphones, playing music really loud through them for 10 seconds, then holding them together. They'll be magnetically attracted in a circular shape.


        It's not the speaker thing because it was there when I first turned it on, and that was in the middle of the room, but thanks anyway. So if it's not that what else could it be, and how can I get it back to normal?


          CRT televisions can suffer purity errors without any outside magnetic interference.

          Get whoever sold you the TV to send out an engineer with a degaussing wand and see if he can fix it. If not then hopefully as long as the problem is as bad as you say you should be entitled to a replacement.

