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Database help

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    Database help

    I'm off to a trade show in Taiwan and need to keep tabs on the contacts I make - anyone recomend some freeware that will help? or a free access database I can use (I am realy trying to avoid doing my own) a free expenses tracker would come in handy as well if anyone can help?
    P.S Windows XP laptop

    Why does it have to be a database, can't you use Microsoft Address Book? Start->Accessories->Address Book

    You could always just jot down expenses in notepad.


      If your company is like mine, you'll have to file your expenses in an Excel spreadsheet, so you might as well start there, too.

      As for contacts, anything and everything that can handle your standard .vcf format cards should do. Outlook, Palm Desktop, whatever. Once they're in that, even iPods and most modern phones should take them.


        Thanks for the answers guys.

        Address book is to basic I need to attach quotes and detailed meeting notes to the contact file.
        As for expenses these are submitted via our Intranet site but I need to log receipts as I go as 99% are in Mandarin and try remebering what they were for 2 weeks later when you can't even make out one letter!

