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Stepdown question

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    Stepdown question

    MikeF and I are going to be doing a trade, GameCube for PS2, and we both have our respective stepdown's........

    Question being, to save us both sending - which console requires the higher voltage (or is it wattage, IDK) stepdown?

    For example, if the PS2 requries higher and my stepdown works - it would obviously work for his Cube but his stepdown may not handle my PS2.......

    ANy ideas?

    Gamecube requires higher, but if you've both got 100W stepdowns, you should be fine.
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      Don't forget you can get Nintendo UK to send you a uk power supply that works with US or J gamecubes for ?20.


        Thx guys, don't know what i'd do without this place anymore.

        The one i'm using atm is 90W and works fine....although I just noticed it says on it "For Dreamcasts and Playstation 2's"........? Seems strange.

        I would consider contacting Nintendo, Charles, as per your suggestion. Maybe it's better then if Mike and I just send each other's stepdowns.

