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DX9, or stick with DX8.1?

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    DX9, or stick with DX8.1?

    Humm... Have any of you had any bad expereinces with DX9?

    My GFX Card (Hercules Prophet 8500) is totally fine with DX8.1, but not officially with 9.0... And I'm using Win XP Pro

    My current computer is:

    Can you think whether I should go for it or not, becuase, to be honest, I want to play the demos suggested in another thread!

    So what is your current computer?

    I've only had a few problems with DirectX 9 (although I used the developers kit version) and I hear the end user version is fine. Only problems I had was an error message every time I quit watching movie files.


      Do you mean the ATI tech demos? I think they might only work on cards that fully support all of the DX9 in hardware (Radeon 9500+?). The 8500 is a DX 7 or 8 card as far as I know. Upgrading to DX9 software will do no harm and probably be essential for up and coming games but I don't think it'll let you view the fancy tech demos.

      ...or I could be totally wrong


        fire is correct. 8500 can't run dx9 specific software as it doesn't have the hardware capability. Thats why the ATI demos won't work.


          Originally posted by Electric_Boogaloo
          So what is your current computer?

          I've only had a few problems with DirectX 9 (although I used the developers kit version) and I hear the end user version is fine. Only problems I had was an error message every time I quit watching movie files.
          Did you make sure you'd switched to the retail dlls in the directx control panel? I often forget to switch to them and end up with a horrible mess when running retail DX apps.

          Otherwise there's no *real* reason why the SDK would cause any problems.


            To be honest, I doubt you'll see any need to upgrade DirectX unless forced to. As it happens, I was sticking with 8.1, but then was forced to DX9 when installing EVE.


              Agreed... it'll come with games that need it anyway. I only installed it because I needed to use the DX9 SDK.


                Ok then. I'll stick with 8.1 for now. I want to upgrade to the Prophet 9500 Pro card in a few months, so - until then...

                Thanks a lot.

                I really wanted to see those tech Demos though. Can you view some of the older ones though?


                  I keep getting errors when closing films down in MP9 as well.

                  Wasn't sure if it was a MP problem, a DX issue or sommat wrong with my display drivers.



                    Make sure that you get DX9.0a. I was on 9.0 and was having problems with MP Vietcong but upgrading to 9.0a fixed all that.

