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Dreamcast Tetis 4D

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    Dreamcast Tetis 4D

    Hi guys, I'm a newbie so please be gentle

    I bought a sealed copy of Tetris 4D and for some reason it won't load.

    I'm running a Uk DC and I use a Utopia disk to boot up all my games, but for some reason with Tetris 4D it'll only boot up about 88% before the screen turns black and thats it.

    The disc itself is mint, so I'm at a loss as what to do.

    Any suggestions please.

    It is possible that this game is incompatible with the Utopia disc. Perhaps you would better of with the DC-X.

    Someone may be able to confirm this for definate for you.


      I don't know for certain with this title unfortunately but are you using a RGB cable? Some import DC games won't load/display correctly via RGB and this could be one of them.

      If you are using RGB try using another connection type (RF, composite, S-Video or VGA) just to see if it loads then.


        cool avatar man


          Tetris 4D works fine in RGB, Its the Utopia disc that is the problem.


            Originally posted by Nick Pavey
            cool avatar man
            Cheers fella!

            Some neat Avatars already on this site, just trying to keep up!


              Originally posted by Kron
              Tetris 4D works fine in RGB, Its the Utopia disc that is the problem.
              Cheers Kron.

              Like I mentioned, all my other games work fine. Is there a particular reason why it won't play via Utopia do you know?, and do you know of other DC JAP games (shmups in particular) that I may experience trouble with.

              Thanks again.


                If your going to buy many an import title for your Dreamcast it's probably worth investing in a DC-X boot disk. It'll boot pretty much everything and you can force everything (even bordered PAL games such as VF3) into 60Hz full screen.


                  Another vote for DC-X - it's essential. Play-asia have them in stock (use our banner please )


                    So is Tetris 4D any good? Better than Sega Tetris?


                      I'm going to have to buy a DC-X before I can answer that one Gossi !

                      I only bought it (off flea bay) 'cos the auction was about to end with no bids at ?3.99 so I though f*ck it!, I'll have that then!

                      Seen a couple of DC-X's on ebay from a seller called 'Tureylon' for ?14.99. I've bought a couple of items off him before and he's a decent bloke. Not sure how much they are on Play Asia, gonna have to take a look see.

