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Tekken 5: any differences between american & japanese version?

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    Tekken 5: any differences between american & japanese version?

    Hi guys,
    i've bought Tekken 5 in its american version, and i noticed that the stunning CG movies (the opening especially, but also the endings) are not as perfectly smooth as they are in Tekken 4 or in the recent Death by Degrees...
    I don't mean they are jerky (not at all... Music and speech sound flawlessly): it seems to me that somehow there are fewer frames than other two games.

    But yesterday, talking about it to a friend (who has a japanese Tekken 5), he said that T5 and Death by Degrees openings seem equally smooth.

    Now, i wonder if there's something wrong with my NTSC-UC Tekken 5 (but i don't think so... My PS2 works fine) or if the CG movies in japanese Tekken 5 got better quality than american ones.

    Or if the friend of mine lied.

    Thank you for your help.

    I've got the Japanese release of T5 (the English one though, not the Japanese one) and can't say that I'd noticed anything like that. But I've not played the US one to compare...


      Thank you.

      I've just bought a japanese Tekken 5, for my game's collection: in a few days I'll be able to make the comparison.

