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Halo PC Question

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    Halo PC Question

    I've recently upgraded the RAM in my PC from 512MB to 1GB, and I've noticed something strange happen with Halo since then.

    When I'm in an indoor area now, the game becomes incredibly slow and jerky, sometimes requiring several clicks of the mouse to fire a gun once. Yet, in outdoor areas, the game works just fine, but indoors seem to be causing problems.

    I don't see how it can be the RAM causing it, since an increase should boost performance, not reduce it, and every other game I've played since installing the new RAM works fine, but that's the only change I've made to the PC recently, so it's the only thing I can think of that might be causing the problem now.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Last edited by Vanicent; 12-05-2005, 22:46.

    Maybe you should try running some sort of hardcore ram burn-in thingy, like one of the SiSoft Sandra tests. It could be that a particular bit of the RAM is dodgy and only Halo uses enough RAM to access it. Or it could be something completely different...

