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What settings do I need for US Wipeout Download via USB

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    What settings do I need for US Wipeout Download via USB

    I hear that the American content will be available some time todat. I presume I need to set up a connection to enable me to download this via the USB. Does anyone have any idea of what settings I need?


    OK, that appears to have worked... I now have Gamma Pack 1...

    Doh... so much for the topic!!
    Last edited by Bassman; 18-05-2005, 09:22.

    How did you do it! maybe you can help me download content for the Japanese version. I'm also using a USB cable.



      Just download the pack on your pc, and put the files in the savegame folder on your memory stick by going to USB-mode.
      Worked for me, I suddenly had an extra skin, track and ship.


        Whenever i've transfered files on my Powerbook (OSX 10.3.9) i've had problems with copying files oto my PSP. generally "corrupt data" but also MP3s sometimes copy two of the same song, one good - one bad. Works fine on a PC, so might be that if you're using a non-MS computer.


          The American download automatically puts it in the righr place. I just put the PSP in Download mode and the Web site did the rest. I would have thought the Japanese version would have been the same.

          I tried a straight copy (I have a second memory stick) and the data was a different length so I tried a second download but game up because it was too slow!!


            I attempted the DL via my PC and USB link to my PSP and both last night and today I keep getting the same error message:
            "could not retrieve content from server,download couldn't be found"
            Any ideas?
            Bassman when you say putting your PSP in download mode you mean USB link mode?
            Ta famitsu1

