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GameArts No more?

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    GameArts No more?


    Just looking around I see that Grandia 3 is coming out! Now I never got to play the first one, as I owned a Sega Saturn and it never came out over here, but it was highly praised. The second one was earth shattering on the Dreamcast, and now there is a third. However, WHY is it being made by Square-Enix instead of Game-Arts? I hope they have merged or something, as i don't want a FF rip-off from one of, if not the best RPG series ever!

    I mean, even the artwork is Final Fantsy like. :

    So please can I have the full story and is there any previes available?

    Thanks a lot!

    No it's being developed by Gamearts. Square Enix are a major shareholder in Gamearts though and hence are publishing it.


      Oh ok! I can now breath easy.

      How long have they had a share in Gamearts though? Not in the Dreamcast days did they?

      Also why is there no gamearts logos on that artwork?


        Enix purchased a sizable share in Gamearts a few years ago. I'd say 2002. Grandia Xtreme was published by Enix.


          Oh OK! Thnaks for that!

          At least I know its in the right hands! Any news on a western release?


            No. I'd expect it to get a release in both North America and Europe. Dragon Quest VIII is Square Enix great big hope for the Winter so I doubt they'd release it until next year.


              Bit funny, Square, Enix and GameArts used to be rivals in the RPG field, now all of their games are being released under the SquareEnix brand.

              Expect Ubisoft to release the title in Europe.

