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Border Down Ltd Edition

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    Border Down Ltd Edition

    Does anyone have any idea where I might be able to locate a Ltd Edition copy of Border Down for the DC, preferably one of the D-Direct versions with mousemat?
    failing that the general Ltd ed version would be ok.

    I have checked ebay and Border Down seems quite unreasonably priced on there,
    So are there any internet retailers perhaps in Japan or HK which would have this game for a fair price?

    There used to be a really good company called Otaku MW, who are sadly no more having been assimilated by Play Asia, are there any other companies like this still around?

    Play-Asia had the limited edition for age's, and charging ?80 wrappers for it! You could check once there site is up again. To honest, i don't know what all the fuss is about over this game, because it's pretty pish compared to other shooters out there!


      Well its an ok shooter, I'm currently in the process of trying to get a complete collection of DC shooters, and would like to get the Ltd edition versions wherever possible, thanks for the tip though

