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LCD Projectors and Gaming

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    LCD Projectors and Gaming

    I'm seriouslying thinking about getting an LCD Projector, but know very little about how they hook up with consoles. The ones I've looked at seem to prefer S-Video, Composite or VGA inputs.

    I'd like to know if any have componant inputs, or if they support HD images? If you are limited to S-Video can you get an RGB signal from the console?

    Also if you hook up a PAL PS2, wont the black boarders be really obvious, or are the cut off - that might be a really lame question

    If you want the minimum of hassle, you probably want a Panasonic PT-AE700E or a lower-end one from the same range. They've got RGB SCART connectors as well as the component for NTSC consoles and HDMI digital connector for HDTV.


      how much are they?


        Here you go.....


          You dont notice black borders, as you'll generally be playing with closed curtains in near darkness anyway. Do NOT bother with S-video or composite; component or RGB SCART only, as why buy something only to slap its quality levels down again.

          The main problem i find is some games seem very dark (compared to movies on the same setup), and hence some can be problematic to see whats going on all the time. Also some games do not suit big screen gaming, but things like Burnout are frankly eye-boggling.

          I've only got a Sanyo PLV-Z2, so will need to upgrade this year or next as they are just getting better for less money. Totally worthwhile for movies i might add! but dont skimp on a decent screen.


            Ive got a Panasonic AE700... use it all the time for Xbox gaming, DVD and TV.

            Reccomended. It has Component, VGA, DVI/HDMI and RGB Scart inputs. As mentioned do not go for anything less in terms of video quality for projectors simply because it will look worse when highlighted on a big screen.

            If you are going to use it for Xbox make sure you activate 480p as well.


              Thanks for all the info so far. I have to say, I'm really temped.

              Couple more questions though. What kind of resoultions do they support? The panasonic model has HDMI and componant inputs - but does it just support 480?

              Also, this maybe a question answered elsewhere - but can you not get a HD signal through RGB Scart cables or do you have to use HDMI/Componant?


