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Probably idiotic question about changing from BT to Bulldog

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    Probably idiotic question about changing from BT to Bulldog

    Hi guys

    Probably a pretty stupid question here. I've just changed from BT to Bulldog broadband and kind of assumed that I wouldn't really have to do anything myself.

    It seems that my connection is still the BT one even though bulldog has taken over my phone line.

    Anyone who has changed themselves that can tell me what to do? I'm guessing I obviously have to create a new internet connection but don't really know what I would be doing and don't want to mess things up.

    I appreciate any help you can give (and for not laughing at me )


    All lines at BT as far as I know , although OFCOM ruled they had to allow allow other ISP's the opportunity to install VPN's at their exchanges.So your service is still with BULLDOG.
    If i'm not mistaken BULLDOG use mainly datastream instead of IPStream , but the setup should just be a case of inputing your ADSL username and password.
    Did BULLDOG give you any user details or an indication of a downtime for the change ? has a good forum that might help you out.


      Forgive my stupidity, I really have no idea what I'm doing with this sort of thing. I appreciate you taking the time to try and help.

      Bulldog did send me emails with my user details. I assumed (probably wrongly) that I had to create a new internet connection using the details they sent but that didn't do anything. Might have done something wrong though.

      The change has become active already, they have already taken over the phoneline from BT. I just assumed the internet connection would be the same.

      Thanks again for the info.


        What kind of connection are you using? If ethernet, it should just be a case of plugging the cable from your modem into your PC, rebooting and it will network connect at start up. If USB, I don't know, sorry.
        Last edited by Richard.John; 06-06-2005, 08:09.


          Okay, I'll try and help, assuming you are on the same 4/8MBit connection with phone swapover...

          Before you were physcially connected to the BT network, and ADSL provided by BT, I assume.

          Now, your line has been removed from the BT network and is now going down the cable and wireless network. You need to either reconfigure your router (as I did) with the new username and password, as after the cutover date they have given you, the old ones will fail.

          Or, change your 'dialup' connection to asdl to reflect this username/password. I've only ever used the router method, so unsure how the config for the faked dialup on windows works, but I'd assume its the same, or very similar.

          EDIT: The BT phone service will automatically be cancelled when C&W/bulldog inform them that you are leaving, I had to do my ASDL manually as it was Pipex, best to check...

