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Final Fantasy X-2 International

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    Final Fantasy X-2 International

    Has anyone heard whether it's getting released? N possibly when? I know there have been JPN International versions of FFX n FF7 but 8 n 9 don't seem to have international versions. Does anyone know on what basis SquareEnix release International versions under, like sales etc?

    Thanks for any replies


    Its a question, moved to Questions and Advice forum.


      Initernational versions of the games only get released after the Western versions, as they are usually just a Japanese release for English language games.


        Sorry bout putting it in the wrong place marcus. Cheers for the reply C'


          im curious, FF7 was released in an international form? So basically, i can get a jap FF7 international for my jp ps2, and play it in english? if this is true how much and where can i get it. as ive never played FF7 before!




            Originally posted by 112
            im curious, FF7 was released in an international form? So basically, i can get a jap FF7 international for my jp ps2, and play it in english? if this is true how much and where can i get it. as ive never played FF7 before!


            It was released but I think its pricey


              I'm not entirely sure about this - but I don't think FFVII international is actually in English - it just has the various modifications that were made for the western market. I understand it has an extra disc with art galleries and a monster database though, which would make it quite worthwhile anyway ^^

              Was pretty rare, but there's been a 'PSOne books' re-release, so should be easier to find now. NCSX had it for around US$40 awhile back.

              About FFX2 though - casual browsing through some online stores has led me to believe the Japanese release has English voice-acting already. If that's so - I don't think they'll bother with an International release, unless there's a whole lot of additional bosses and whatnot added to the western release ... even if they do, it's a long way off.



                Sieg is right - Final Fantasy VII International is in Japanese. I find that having played through the game in English I (who have no Japanese) can enjoy this without problems, but I would not want to have missed out on the story by playing only this version. The extra disk contains all the limit breaks, summonses, a bestiary etc. Tokuda found me a nice new copy a few months back.

                Final Fantasy X is in English and has the more sophisticated grid missing in the first Japanese and the US versions. The obvious advantage over the PAL version is the lack of huge borders, but you are still stuck with an American Tidus. I wish it had English menus and the original Japanese voices.

                Final Fantasy X-2 I'm finding to be playable (I haven't got very far though), but I shall definitely get the US version to better appreciate the story and the nuances of the fighting/magic/dress up systems.


                  The Japanese release of Final Fantasy X-2 doesn't have any English voice acting. At least I haven't come across any yet. All text and voices are Japanese. You may find this site helpful with translation:

