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Black and White screen?

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    Black and White screen?

    I connected an RGB scart(Drangonplus) to my TV(PAL) and my JAP ps2(NTSC). But, The screen was like black and white. How can i solve this problem?

    Last edited by Cyrus_; 07-06-2005, 20:24.

    Have you set the PS2 to output RGB in the options menu?


      Yep, I set the PS2 to output RGB


        Are you going into an RGB enabled scart socket?

        Is the scart lead definitely RGB enabled?

        If yes to the above is it wired correctly to tell your TV to switch to RGB? there should be a wire going to pin 8 on the scart and then a resistor linking pin 8 to pin 16.

        It will be one of the above.


          Originally posted by gIzzE
          Are you going into an RGB enabled scart socket?

          Is the scart lead definitely RGB enabled?

          Originally posted by gIzzE
          If yes to the above is it wired correctly to tell your TV to switch to RGB? there should be a wire going to pin 8 on the scart and then a resistor linking pin 8 to pin 16.
          My scart has 20 pins and fits into TV. The screen is in colours only about 1 sec. when i turn on the TV.


            Yeah but when you open the scart up is there a wire going to pin 8 and then a resistor linking pin 8 to pin 16? or have they got it the wrong way round and linked to pin 16 and then linked to pin 8 with a resistor?


              Originally posted by gIzzE
              Yeah but when you open the scart up is there a wire going to pin 8 and then a resistor linking pin 8 to pin 16? or have they got it the wrong way round and linked to pin 16 and then linked to pin 8 with a resistor?

              Mine is similar to above.

              But, I don't know what you are talking about
              Last edited by Cyrus_; 08-06-2005, 09:05.


                If the PS2 has been set up correctly and the Scart socket supports RGB, then it ain't a proper RGB cable then!

                Get the Blaze one.
                Lie with passion and be forever damned...




                    Originally posted by gIzzE
                    Yeah but when you open the scart up is there a wire going to pin 8 and then a resistor linking pin 8 to pin 16? or have they got it the wrong way round and linked to pin 16 and then linked to pin 8 with a resistor?
                    Do you mean I have to dismantle the scart(big thingy)? But, I don't what resistor look like..


                      Yeah, just undo the scart and look at the wiring, as I said, there should be a wire going to pin 8 and then a resistor linking pin 8 to pin 16. Once you open it it will be obvious what I am talking about.


                        Originally posted by gIzzE
                        Yeah, just undo the scart and look at the wiring, as I said, there should be a wire going to pin 8 and then a resistor linking pin 8 to pin 16. Once you open it it will be obvious what I am talking about.
                        pin 8 and pin 16 were linked by a wire. But i don't think a resistor links pin 8 and pin 16


                          Should really be a resistor?

                          have a look at this

                          have you got any other unit with RGB?

                          What TV is it?


                            To explain how a scart works....

                            Pin 8 is used to let the TV know that a device is there
                            12v (or 6v for widescreen) to pin 8 will switch the input on, so if you turn your ps2 on it should give 12v to pin 8 and therefore switch your TV to the correct av input.

                            Pin 16 is the RGB condition, if between 1-4v is sent to pin 16 it tells the TV to switch to RGB mode.

                            So looking at the above rather than running 2 wires out of the machine in the scart cable most people run one cable to pin 8 (12v) and then link pin 8 to pin 16 with a resitor to drop the voltage down to teh required 1-4v.

                            If you just have a wire going across then maybe the voltage going to pin 8 is 5v, this is enough to kick the TV into widescreen mode (if you TV is widesceen or has a 16:9 mode) and change to the corecct av input, and 5v should force 90% of TV's to RGB mode too, however it is a cheap way of doing things and does not always work as it is not correct and not all tv's will switch.

                            If it is 12v going to pin 8 then you have no chance forcing any TV to RGB without there being a resitor there.

                            Looks like you need a new lead, toys'r'us sell one for ?4.99 that works fine BTW.


                              Originally posted by gIzzE
                              To explain how a scart works....

                              Pin 8 is used to let the TV know that a device is there
                              12v (or 6v for widescreen) to pin 8 will switch the input on, so if you turn your ps2 on it should give 12v to pin 8 and therefore switch your TV to the correct av input.

                              Pin 16 is the RGB condition, if between 1-4v is sent to pin 16 it tells the TV to switch to RGB mode.

                              So looking at the above rather than running 2 wires out of the machine in the scart cable most people run one cable to pin 8 (12v) and then link pin 8 to pin 16 with a resitor to drop the voltage down to teh required 1-4v.

                              If you just have a wire going across then maybe the voltage going to pin 8 is 5v, this is enough to kick the TV into widescreen mode (if you TV is widesceen or has a 16:9 mode) and change to the corecct av input, and 5v should force 90% of TV's to RGB mode too, however it is a cheap way of doing things and does not always work as it is not correct and not all tv's will switch.

                              If it is 12v going to pin 8 then you have no chance forcing any TV to RGB without there being a resitor there.

                              Looks like you need a new lead, toys'r'us sell one for ?.99 that works fine BTW.
                              Thanks. But, It's too difficult and long to understand

                              Anyway should i buy other RGB scart again? or If i install DMS4 Pro will the screen turn into colours?

