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New pc spec:

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    New pc spec:

    As a long time mac user I am about to sell my soul to the devil by getting a Win pc. I have to do this as I am about to start teacher training and pcs are unfortunately necessary. What do people think about this spec? I obviously want to play games on it but also would use it for photoshop as I do a lot of digital photography and music using ableton live (if anyone has heard of this so much the better!)

    Shuttle XTC SN95G5
    AMD Athlon 64 3200+
    BFG GeForce 6600 GT OC 128MB DDR3 TV-Out/Dual DVI (AGP)
    200 GB Maxtor DiamondMax
    1gb Crucial ram
    Sony DWU-26A 16x16 DVD?RW Dual Layer ReWriter

    I have a couple of questions:
    Do these all work together, will the Graphics card fit?
    which core Athlon would be best, what is the difference?
    Is buying an OEM version of XP legit and ok to use?

    Can't see anything wrong with your setup, looks good.

    The graphics card will fit fine, afaik. Put it this way I have a 6800 GT in my Shuttle and its a G2 chassis! Actually you may want to get a 6800gt it will future proof you more. But if your used to mac games graphics prepare to be blown away by the 6600gt anyway!

    As far as cpus go, I would always say, you get what you pay for! (unless you want to try overclocking) So try and afford the best you can.

    An oem version of xp is fine.


      The other graphics card i have seen is the XFX 6600GT AGP which is a shade cheaper, is there any particular recomendation either way?
      For some reason I am quite excited by this even though it's a pc!


        I think you've covered all the bases with that set up. Enjoy it, and get a copy of HL2 as well.


          I've heard good things about the BFG, not so the XFX especially in shuttles.

          This place Sudhian is always a good stop for anything shutle related. Maybe you can find out some more info there.


            pay the extra and get a 6800GT its worth it in the long run


              have been reading on the forum posted above about all sorts of problems with the sn95g5. Is this a real problem from people experience.
              My general view is normally people on techy type forums are just overblown nit pickers but knowing some here use shuttles thought it would be worth a shot!
              And while i'd love a 6800gt, remember i am about to go back to uni for the first time in 5 years so need a cheapish solution!


                yeah I was just checking to see if the price of the 6800GT has come down in recent months and it seems no it hasn't

                Got a 6600GT, 3000XP & 1gb ram myself and HL2 etc play beautifully.

