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Question for Panasonic Q owners

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    Question for Panasonic Q owners

    Hi all.

    I've owned a Panasonic Q for quite a while now, but I'm experiencing troubles with getting it to play games properly. I've just found this site, so I hope that I can find the answer here, as I've been trying to figure it out for nearly a year now.

    What cables do I need for the games to be displayed properly? If I just use the S-video cables I use to watch DVD's on it it will play American games, but only in black&white There is a slot at the back that says "GAME" above it, but I only have an RGB cable for that and my TV doesn't support RGB. How can I solve this? Is my Panasonic Q broke to a certain degree? How do I play Japanese games?

    Any answers whatsoever would be truely appreciated since I've been trying to solve them for so long. Thanks in advance

    You have an RGB cable that fits the Q? I would hold onto this as these are rare as rocking horse **** and expensive. Where did you get it from? Just curious as i know how often these come around (the Saurian made ones anyway).

    Running the games thru s-vid will only display in b&w,you'll have to use the composites that come with it if your tv cant support rgb. Bit criminal though to use such a nasty display method on a Q.


      Nah, they're not official. I got the Q second hand, and the previous owner had made his own RGB cable.

      So what composites are you talking about? Do they slot into the "GAME" slot? Or are you just talking about using the composite leads minus the S-video one? I've tried everything so far, and I'm kinda lost


        How do I play Japanese games?

        - If yours is only playing US games from the off try holding down the POWER button for 5 secs while you turn it on. This should boot it in Japanese mode.

        using the composite leads minus the S-video one?

        - As far as i can remember that is your only option as you have no rgb TV. Use the S-Video for the best dvd picture you can get from the Q though.

        EDIT- Just read that you've already tried that. Ill dig my composite leads out and see if it runs on mine.
        Last edited by Pavey; 13-06-2005, 14:29.


          Sorry to hijack but what stepdown transformer do you guys use? I can only play for around 2 hours before mine overheats and shuts down the Q


            You should be using a 100w for a Gamecube, maybe it's the same for a Q but i wouldn't be 100% sure.


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              Try the 300VA one on there. Should run super cool. Pricey, but worth it. Don't want to knacker your Q.


                I use the one supplied from Lik-Sang, and never had any trouble - touch wood.

                This one:


                ?5.46 (Bargain).


                  I can play all games in s video on my q , so you must have a fault in the q somewhere as well.All my games play perfectly too, to boot the jap mode, do as Nick the man says.Hold the power button for five secs on boot and whola.

                  Pm Saurian about your fault, he should know how to advise you.


                    Originally posted by Mofoman
                    I can play all games in s video on my q , so you must have a fault in the q somewhere as well.All my games play perfectly too, to boot the jap mode, do as Nick the man says.Hold the power button for five secs on boot and whola.

                    Pm Saurian about your fault, he should know how to advise you.
                    Saurian? Who's he?


                      He isnt modding anymore and he didn't really touch Q's anyway. I dont wish to answer for him though,just helping you out.

                      It does sound like you have a fault though mate. Can you try the rgb lead you have on someone else's tv?


                        I hauled my precious Q over to my friends' house today and tried to get it running the games propperly on his newer TV. Lo and behold, they did It appears that my TV's just too old, which is rather odd, as it works a treat with my freeloader Anyway, thanks all for the swift help, and abundancy of it. *pops bottle o' champaign*

